In Light and Life Alfred 2024 Campaign Statement on "Israel, Trump, and UFO Disclosure"
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Evolution of a 2024 US Presidential Candidacy: In Life and Light Alfred 2024!
Friday, December 8, 2023
PEACE PORTAL, BLAINE, WA. - A high Priority, leading plank on our In Life and Light Alfred 2024! CAMPAIGN PLATFORM is:
Truth & Disclosure - A full public disclosure of the presence of intelligent civilizations in Earth’s environment and a global referendum as to whether and on what conditions humanity should enter into relations and space travel, space colonization, space governance, with organized intelligent universe, multiverse, and Omniverse society.
Israel - Our Alfred 2024 Campaign is highly interested in the published Exopolitical research of Barry Chaimish that documents the phenomenon of "Israel as the world's leader per capita for the observation of UFOs", and provides more circumstantial evidence for the substantive reasons to pursue an Exopolitical origin of the Hebrew people, as is set out in published Exopolitical Sources such as:
Michel Desmarquet, Thiaoouba Prophecy
This Exopolitical Source suggests that it is the Hebrews' Advanced Intelligence due to its "Category 6" Extraterrestrial Origins that gives rise to AntiSemitism in some Earthly Cultures [such as hypothetically the Islamic/Arab Culture], driven by such base Cultural emotions as Jealousy.
As a long-time Exopolitical and ET Disclosure Advocate, the Alfred 2024 Campaign urges appropriate and gradual public relations measures that publicly confirm and affirm any positive "Category 6" Extraterrestrial Origins and Advanced Intelligence of the Hebrew People as being a long-term positive Solution resolving the underlying causes of "AntiSemitism", including "Cultural Jealousy", as it is Humanity's Destiny to rejoin Universal Society and acknowledge advanced Extraterrestrial cultures, such as the Hebrew People [if they are proven to be Exopolitical in origin], with Honour and Acceptance.
As a reminder of the relevance of Exopolitics to Hebrew issues, here is the Foreword of an Israeli Rabbi to US 2024 Presidential Candidate Alfred Lambremont Webre's 2000 book EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS, GOVERNMENT AND LAW IN THE UNIVERSE that founded the new science of Exopolitics, the science of intelligent civilizations in the Multiverse:
– Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo, noted author, scholar, and lecturer, Dean, the David Cardozo School, Machon Ohr Aharon "I urge everyone who has an open mind to read this exciting and fascinating book, which is so thought-provoking that it breaks all barriers of logic and rationalism and makes ancient theories tangible and real."
ALFRED 2024 WILL DISCLOSE US MARS BASES - "US astronauts working with aliens at a Mars base" - As stated clearly In Life and Light Alfred 2024! CAMPAIGN PLATFORM, incorporated directly from US Mars Explorer Andrew D. Basiago, JD, MPhil [CANTAB], author of the 100 Proposals at: and 2016 US Presidential Candidate:

Incorporation as Platform of In Light and Life ALFRED 2024 Presidential Campaign of 100 Proposals – A New Agenda for a New America
With Deep Thanks & All Due Credit for the 100 Proposals to Andrew D. Basiago, Future President of the United States of America:
Former US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, time-travel pre-identified U.S. President, releases “100 Proposals – A New Agenda for A New America” in Truth, Reform, and Innovation – Proposes Global Teleportation System
March 12, 2016 By Alfred Lambremont Webre
2016 US Presidential Candidate and Former US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, time-travel pre-identified U.S. President, releases “100 Proposals – A New Agenda for A New America” in Truth, Reform, and Innovation – Proposes Global Teleportation System
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Our Alfred 2024 Mars Platform is based on eye-witness Testimony from numerous members of the US Mission on
Scottsdale, AZ
December 8, 2023
Ufology Update: Israel, Trump and UFO Disclosure
by Rich Scheck
There is a stunning omission within the UfO Community pertaining to the current furor over
Disclosure: the role of Israel in the conversation!
It remains passing strange to this observer that leading lights like Danny Sheehan, Steve Bassett,
DJ Liszt, Ross Coulthart, Richard C. Hoagland, Richard Dolan, Michael Salla, Alfred Webre and
other vigorous advocates of ending The ET Truth Embargo systematically fail to acknowledge the
potentially significant position of Israel in this discussion.
I am referring specifically to what Haim Eshed volunteered 3 years ago about US astronauts
working with aliens at a Mars base that President Trump knows about but was convinced by
the Galactic Federation to keep hidden.
This assertion from a well-respected, high official within the Israeli MIC/Intel elite was either
ignored or brushed over by virtually the entire UFO research community with one exception, me!
At the time, I enthusiastically encouraged my colleagues and those who would listen that this
constituted a major revelation worthy of deeper research, but to no avail. As a relatively new
entrant into the competition for attention among the many talented participants vying to add value
to the topic, I was somewhat discouraged as well as surprised by this dynamic.
But I continued to pursue this lead, especially after hearing John Ramirez talk about the
Galactic Federation; after discovering the work of Barry Samish who claimed Israel has the
most UFO sightings per capita in the world; and definitely, after serendipitously discovering the
quote in William Birnes UFO Hunters 2 (2015) about how LIMUFON head, John Ford, was
"approached by the Mossad to help them end the US coverup of the ET phenomenon" (paraphrase).
But there was more, much more to the story that garnered my interest. Uri Gellar mentioned UFOs in
Israel in some of his comments. Avi Loeb turns out to be not only a brilliant Harvard Astrophysicist but
also an Israeli trained intel grad (Talpiot). And Trump turns out to have significant links to UFOs via his
Uncle John (Tesla) Roy Cohn and JFK, Jr. Then he goes and establishes the Space Force during his
So when I hear Sheehan dissing the former president as untrustworthy to oversee Disclosure because
he was the leader of the "J6 insurrection" and that as part of the UAP Disclosure Act he is fighting so
strenuously to see made law to insure transparency for Congress, it strikes me as obvious that this
skilled advocate with long ties to the Democratic Party suffers a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
That perception is reinforced by his high comfort level for such key elements of the Left as the NY Times
and President Biden who apparently has "appointed" him to shepard the bill and to structure the review
panel that will oversee the vetting process regarding advanced technology ("illegally") in the possession of
aerospace companies.
My head nearly exploded after Danny repeatedly ballyhooed the "99% bipartisan" support for this controversial
bill when he mentioned the names of such Democratic stalwarts as Leon Panetta and John Podesta as possible
members of the board. Really?!? Why leave out the Clintons if you are going to be so partisan?
Shifting back to Eshed and Israel's role in UFO Disclosure, in the context of the religious justification the Jews
use to promote their claims to the Holy Land, to the extent that the idea of them being The Chosen People with
direct ties to God, and in the context of how a new human origins story is one logical consequence of human
contact with extraterrestrial civilization(s).....all while another war is raging in the Middle East that some see
as Biblical/Armaggedon, I remain baffled how proponents of Disclosure continue to overlook the role of Israel
in the UFO conversation.
I am throwing down the challenge to all committed to full transparency and an end to The TRUTH Embargo,
to revisit Eshed's comments and reflect on their relevance to current events. I vow to keep pushing the issue
and was delighted to learn recently that another researcher has gone even deeper than I in exploring the topic.