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Gist Combs

So many people believe Juan O'Savin is the survived JFKjr and believe he will run as Trump's Vice President. It would be great if he was this Juan O'Savin character, but I just don't have time to debate such truths as I am busy with my world current event hobby. I can't stand listening to that character as he isn't qualified to play General and not the God of anything. The last time I tried to listen to him all I got was he is just too pompous. I hope it is true but I do not worship this character like my good online friend since the 2000s that owns the worlds #1 above top-secret whistleblower website, seems to be so fanscinated by him. Of course being a woman makes it okay.
Personally, I am not impressed with any of his words and would love a chance to have a conversation with him to prove he doesn't know squat!

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