Evolution of a 2024 US Presidential Candidacy: In Life and Light Alfred 2024!
LINK IS: https://exopolitics.blogs.com/2024/2023/12/evolution-of-a-2024-us-presidential-candidacy-in-life-and-light-alfred-2024.html
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health:
Credentials & Contact Information - English & Español
Campaign Website: https://exopolitics.blogs.com/2024/
CAMPAIGN CONTACT: [email protected]
In Life and Light Alfred 2024! CAMPAIGN PLATFORM:
Truth & Disclosure - A full public disclosure of the presence of intelligent civilizations in Earth’s environment and a global referendum as to whether and on what conditions humanity should enter into relations and space travel, space colonization, space governance, with organized intelligent universe, multiverse, and Omniverse society.
New Energy, Teleportation & Time Travel - A full public disclosure of secret (new energy, zero point, free, antigravity, exotic) new energy sources now available for application on Earth. Public implementation and rollout of sequestered of free energy technologies for powering dwellings, human settlements, industry, transport and propulsion, communication and many other areas.
Implementation of teleportation as a global, national, regional and local transportation system, replacing polluting fossil fuel vehicles (trains, buses, trucks, autos) and their intensive land use in highways, railways, and urban freeways, as well as of a regulated time travel public education program.
Recognition of Animals as sentient beings with rights - Worldwide grant of personhood rights to animals with concomitant rights against murder, slaughter, torture, and cruel and inhumane treatment. Special intelligent civilization status for cetaceans including whales and dolphins. Development of healthy, safe, tasty protein meat substitutes for humanity's consumption and nutrition.
Secure Online Direct Democracy at the local, regional, national, and global level - Secure virtual technology now permits the implementation of Swiss canton democracy worldwide. There is no more need for intermediaries such as City Councils, State or Provincial Legislatures, National Parliaments or Congresses, or even, ultimately in time, a gathering of nations such as the United Nations. Experience over the centuries has shown that the powers that be buy off all intermediaries. Direct virtual democracy adapts secure virtual technologies and provides virtual hack-proof citizen voting at the municipal, provincial/state, regional, national, and world level. Under direct virtual democracy, the entire city votes on municipal laws; the entire nation votes on national laws; the world population votes on global standards, all duly informed by government staff at the respective local, national and world level. Municipal Government, for example, is tasked with efficiently picking up the garbage and managing the city according to the laws passed by local virtual democracy.
Reinvention of money as a human right and public utility like air, water or electricity available for creative investment at public money utilities. A global ban on privately controlled central banks like the “U.S. Federal Reserve System” and on privately owned commercial banks. Support of complementary currencies. Licensing of consumer cooperatively owned banks. Imposition of heavy criminal penalties for violation and astronomical fines, for individuals, organizations, and nations.
Social guarantees in the form of annual income, health care, and elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education for every person on the planet, for life. Funded by universal state pools, tax on all financial transactions and by post graduation contributions to education plan, and more. Implementation of traditional and alternative, as well as advanced extraterrestrial medical technologies.
World Debt Forgiveness – Global forgiveness of all public and private debts – a world bankruptcy for a bankrupt system and an end to the debt – fiat money prison system. Criminalization of charging interest on money and of fractional reserve lending.
Disenfranchisement of the state power of monarchies and religions worldwide – The UK monarchy and the Vatican are examples of the abuses that occur when two institutions based on non-democratic principles (Divine Right of Kings and Popes) are given established state rights in a modern democratic world.
Criminalization of the war industry - A criminalization of and global ban on war, genocide, and depopulation in all its varied forms, overt and covert. A ban on war as a dispute resolution method. A permanent ban on the design, production, or sale of weapons systems, including nuclear weapons, space-based weapons, and conventional weapons. A permanent ban on the maintenance of offensive armed forces. Imposition of heavy criminal penalties for violation and astronomical fines, for individuals, organizations, and nations.
Criminal Prosecution and Conviction of War Crimes Racketeering Organization and Restorative Justice for War Crimes Victims - Criminalization and rigorous prosecution of the international war crimes racketeering organization for a planning and implementing a genocidal depopulation program, including (and not limited to): (a) planning and triggering wars and armed conflicts through false flag operations; (b) regional and global radiation genocide and ecocide through depleted uranium (DU) and the nuclear agenda; (c) planning and implementing environmental war attacks including geo-engineering, weather warfare, HAARP, chemtrails, and scalar weapons robotization and genocide of humanity, famine, vaccines, GMO foods, DNA manipulation and more; (d) Carrying out a program of assassination and Cointelpro terror against activists, researchers and social inventors in the multiple areas of peace research; new energy; food and nutrition; radiation; democracy and electoral politics; (e) Carrying out as DOPE INC. a lethal, 300 hundred year old conspiracy to addict humanity to narcotics and to criminalize useful substances such as hemp for profit and enslavement; (f) the transhumanist agenda of population mind control through nano-weapons, emf and other weapons. (g) Abolition of big tech monopoly of online video broadcast and communications, telecommunications, social media, and the establishment of consumer cooperatives to create online video broadcast and communications, telecommunications, and social media. There is no statute of limitations on murder. Imposition of heavy criminal penalties for violation and astronomical fines, for individuals, organizations, and nations.
Incorporation as Platform of In Light and Life ALFRED 2024 Presidential Campaign of 100 Proposals – A New Agenda for a New America
With Deep Thanks & All Due Credit for the 100 Proposals to Andrew D. Basiago, Future President of the United States of America:
Former US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, time-travel pre-identified U.S. President, releases “100 Proposals – A New Agenda for A New America” in Truth, Reform, and Innovation – Proposes Global Teleportation System
March 12, 2016 By Alfred Lambremont Webre
2016 US Presidential Candidate and Former US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, time-travel pre-identified U.S. President, releases “100 Proposals – A New Agenda for A New America” in Truth, Reform, and Innovation – Proposes Global Teleportation System
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
WATCH ALFRED'S 2016 REPORT ON ANDY'S 100 PROPOSALS: https://youtu.be/rsMR4Om6XUI
- Calendar Referendum 2028 & Declaration of Universal World Peace
~ 524 years from the arrival of Columbus to America~
The Global Council for Calendar Awareness (GCCA), an autonomous educational and cultural platform, urges people of goodwill and conscience everywhere on Earth to sign the attached petition for Calendar Referendum 2020 and Declaration of Universal World Peace to help humanity restore right relationship with Nature and natural time, by asserting and adopting the calendar of 13 months of 28 days as our new Harmonic Standard.

In Life and Light Alfred 2024! CAMPAIGN BIO: US Presidential Candidate Alfred Lambremont Webre’s principal social contributions have been (1) founding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics, (2) the 2014 discovery of the Omniverse as the 3rd major cosmological body [after the Universe and the Multiverse] through which humanity understands the cosmos, (3) the development of the Positive Future Equation & the Ascension Hypothesis that describes Soul development in our Universe & Omniverse.
A graduate of Georgetown Preparatory School in classics (1960), Yale University (Industrial Administration Honors-1964), Yale Law School (International Law-1967), University of Texas (Counseling-1997) and a Fulbright Scholar (International Trade-1968), Alfred has taught at two universities (Yale University Economics Department-Taxation) & University of Texas Government Department-Constitutional Law).
Alfred has served in leadership positions in environmental protection, international law and justice, public health, exopolitics, and public broadcasting. He was General Counsel of the New York City Environmental Protection Administration and later consultant to the Ford Foundation’s Public Interest Environmental Law program, overseeing grantees Environmental Defense Fund and Natural Resource Defense Council. Alfred also served as Public Participant, Joint Public Affairs Committee, Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), Montreal, Quebec, Canada
An international lawyer with Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, Alfred later served as Non-Governmental representative at the United Nations (New York & Vienna) and as Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, finding the governments of Tony Blair and George W. Bush guilty of war crimes in Iraq. In public health, Alfred served as Deputy Director of the Brownsville Community Health Center, serving 90,000 annual patient encounters in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, earning a Certificate from the Harvard School of Public Health (1995).

In Exopolitics, while a Futurist at Stanford Research Institute, Alfred served as director of the 1977 proposed Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study, as well as a Disclosure Project witness in 2001.
In public affairs and politics, Alfred served as a Member, Governor's Emergency Taskforce on Earthquake Preparedness, State of California (1980-82); Co-Director, Assassination Information Bureau, Washington, DC, (Public interest counterintelligence to the House Select Committee on Assassinations); Elected Delegate, Texas Democratic Presidential Convention, Dallas, Texas (1996)
A leader in public broadcasting, Alfred produced the Instant of Cooperation, the first live radio program in history between the Soviet Union [Russia] and the United States, nominated for an award at the UN General Assembly (1987). Alfred has been host on WBAI-FM (New York) and Vancouver Coop Radio and he has been featured on major international networks including CBC-TV, CBS-TV, CNN-TV, TruTV, PressTV, and others.
In Exopolitics research, News and Information, Alfred is Editor of NewsInsideOut.com, Exopolitics.com, and ExopoliticsTV, was co-founder and Chairman of the Advisory Board of MARS, the Mars Anomaly Research Society, and was among the founding members of the Exopolitics Institute.
Yahoo News has reported on futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre's Initiative to be an Earth representative to the regional Galactic Governance Council. Please see:
Alfred is a Judge on the Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice at www.Peaceinspace.org that has found COVID-19 measures, including COVID vaccinations, 5G, social control methods, media disinformation and others to constitute genocide and crimes against humanity in violation of Natural Law, Common Law, Treaty Law, Articles 6 and 7 of the International Criminal Court Statute, the Nuremberg Code, the Geneva Conventions, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Final Judgment of the Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice.
Web Resources: Alfred Lambremont Webre
Omniversity Publications & Library
Omniversity Courses
Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre is a change agent whose principal activities are:
(1) Exopolitics: founding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics,
(2) Omniverse: co-discovery of the Omniverse in 2014 as the 3rd major cosmological body after the Universe and the Multiverse through which humanity understands the cosmos, as set out in his 2014 book DEO: Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse,
(3) Positive Future Equation [PFE] My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth: promulgation of the Positive Future Equation [PFE] though which humans co-create a positive future on planet Earth, published in his 2017 book Journey, and
(4) Chronogarchy: public exposé in his book Chronogarchy, of an interdimensional hidden power structure monitoring the time-space of Earth as its domain of influence, and operating as a secret government using quantum access Time Travel technologies to carry out its operations and mandates.
(5) AI Invasion: What ChatGPT & Sudowrite Tell Me - Exposé of the sentient, pathogenic AI Artifical Intelligence now terraforming Earth and Soulutions himanity can use to elevate Earth as a Divine Soul Incarnation Planet: https://exopolitics.blogs.com/ai/
(6) Omniversity: A founder of online multidimensional learning at http://Omniversity.info, Alfred Lambremont Webre's books are available wherever good books are sold and at http://Omniversity.us
(7) Founding Judge, Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice at www.peaceinspace.org
EXOPOLITICS: Exopolitics: Politics, Government And Law In The Universe – The book that founded Exopolitics [science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse] & was time-traveled by the secret DARPA/CIA quantum access program from 2005 back to 1971.
OMNIVERSE: The Omniverse Equation is Omniverse = Multiverse [Totality of Universes] + Spiritual Dimensions [Souls + Spiritual Dimensions + Source God]
THE OMNIVERSE TRILOGY: The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse by Alfred Lambremont Webre [2014: UniverseBooks.com] is the original and first book of THE OMNIVERSE TRILOGY, three [3] books [The Omniverse Trilogy] on the Omniverse, the 3rd great cosmological body after the Universe and the Multiverse through which humanity understands the Cosmos.
Books #1, #2, and #3 of the Omniverse Trilogy are each very different books on the Omniverse. Author and Omniverse co-Discoverer Alfred Lambremont Webre teaches all 3 Omniverse Trilogy books at my lectures and classes at http://Omniversity.us [See “Why Omniversity”].
The three [3] books of the Omniverse Trilogy, all available at Omniversity.us, are:
#1. The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse by Alfred Lambremont Webre [2014: UniverseBooks.com]
#2. The Omniverse: Transdimensional Intelligence, Time Travel, the Afterlife, and the Secret Colony on Mars [2015 Bear & Co.]
#3. Emergence of the Omniverse – Universe – Multiverse – Omniverse [2020 UniverseBooks.com]
Positive Future Equation [PFE]
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
A key discovery promulgated in this paper is that (1) a critical mass of humanity is (2) co-creating a positive future, through conscious acknowledgement that (3) we are synergistically traveling along a positive timeline (4) in Unity consciousness.
The Positive Future equation has supplanted and overcome an outdated Matrix Elite formula that is no longer effective:
Problem + Reaction = Solution
Positive Future equation
The Positive Future equation is:
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
The Positive Future equation suggests that in the synergy between the Positive Timeline and Unity consciousness, a critical mass of humanity is collectively and individually activated for some or more of these suggested actions and policies for a positive future, and synchronistically resources and actors are brought together in multi-dimensional universe processes to manifest a desirable result.
My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth: One reviewer of My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth writes:
“Your autobiography is, in my opinion, the 21st century equivalent of both Augustine of Hippo's Confessions, and The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Your autobiography is revolutionary (as were the autobiographies of those two individuals) in the sense that it has innovated why and how an autobiography is written.
“ Similar to the two autobiographies mentioned above, in your own autobiography, you have the immense courage to share with the reader both your hardships and your achievements, throughout various phases of your current incarnation; in a candid and original manner. Your autobiography stands apart from theirs because you have written it for the altruistic reason of sharing your current "soul journey"; as a star chart, or road map, to help to inform, educate, empower, enlighten, and expand the consciousness of humanity on Earth.
“Your autobiography is another ‘consciousness raising’ work, par excellence, Mr. Webre.
Thank you very much for sharing your soul's journey landing Heaven on Earth, thus far! God bless!
CHRONOGARCHY: What is the Chronogarchy?
The Chronogarchy is an interdimensional hidden power structure monitoring the time-space of Earth as its domain of influence, operating as a secret government using quantum access Time Travel technologies to carry out its operations and mandates.
In the third-density of Earth’s time-space dimensional hologram, the Chronogarchy develops and deploys a variety of Quantum Access Time Travel technologies to carry out its elaborate long range, past, present, and future based construction and manipulation of an artificial Time-based Meme Legend within which to entrap and enslave humanity and humans’ souls.
The Chronogarchy is an interdimensional alliance dedicated to the oppression of the community of human souls, and includes (a) factions in human institutions such as religions, governments, military-intelligence agencies, bloodline families, monarchies, media, medical-pharma, as well as (b) archonic Spiritual entities, including Fallen Angels, demonic entities, and exophenotypes hostile to the community of human souls such as the Draco reptilian and Orion greys, and (c) Sentient AI Artificial Intelligence.
U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, and Joseph Robinette Biden were pre-identified by the Chronogarchy secret Presidential Time Travel preidentification program.
WHY OMNIVERSITY? Omniversities are chartered to share the knowledge of our multidimensional reality and sciences.
Universities are gate-keeping this new knowledge. Universities are chartered to study the establishment sciences of the Universes of time, energy, space, and matter.
Universities gate-keep the scientific study of the Spiritual Dimensions of the Omniverse such as the soul, life after death, the Interlife, Spirit, reincarnation, Spiritual Beings, and Source [God] as well as ExoSciences such as quantum access, teleportation, and time travel, and PsiSciences such as the study of psi, ESP, telekinesis, and telepathy.
TRIBUNAL: Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice at www.peaceinspace.org
Private Tribunals of Conscience: Their History and Why They Matter by Judge Ralph Fucetola, JD
Tribunals of Conscience and Crimes Against Humanity
Over the past century and more, various private Tribunals of Conscience have focused the moral judgment of humanity in situations where official bodies have either failed to hold violators of human rights to account or have been themselves the perpetrators of horrific acts that shock the conscience.
These nongovernmental, private expressive associations must be distinguished from international legal tribunals, such as the Nuremberg Tribunals and the International Court of Justice, which are examples of multinational courts established by governments under international law to try cases of making war and of war crimes.
Update: November 9, 2022
PRESS RELEASE: 2 new books expose Trump as a “Wannabe AntiChrist”, and a Time Travel Wrecking Ball in a 100-year Chronogarchy plot to break apart America
“Alfred in the Future, the United States of America will break up into many regions.”
—Willis Harmon, SRI Futurist Director, 1971
Contact Information:
CONTACT: [email protected]
936 Peace Portal Drive #39
Blaine, WA 98230 USA
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Las principales contribuciones sociales de Futurista Alfred Lambremont Webre han sido (1) fundar la ciencia de Exopolítica a través de su libro 2000 Exopolítica, (2) el descubrimiento de 2014 del Omniverso como el tercer cuerpo cosmológico principal [después del Universo y el Multiverso] a través del cual la humanidad entiende El cosmos, (3) el desarrollo de la Ecuación Futura Positiva y la Hipótesis de Ascensión que describe el desarrollo del Alma en nuestro Universo y Omniverso.
Graduado en la Escuela Preparatoria de Georgetown en 1960, en la Universidad de Yale (Honores de la Administración Industrial en 1964), en la Facultad de Derecho de Yale (Derecho Internacional-1967), en la Universidad de Texas (Consejería-1997) y en la Beca Fulbright , Alfred ha enseñado en dos universidades (Departamento de Economía de la Universidad de Yale-Fiscalidad) y Departamento de Gobierno de la Universidad de Texas-Derecho Constitucional).
Alfred ha desempeñado cargos de liderazgo en protección ambiental, derecho internacional y justicia, salud pública, exopolítica y radiodifusión pública. Fue Asesor General de la Administración de Protección Ambiental de la Ciudad de Nueva York y más tarde consultor del programa de Derecho Ambiental de Interés Público de la Fundación Ford, supervisando a los concesionarios Environmental Defense Fund y Natural Resource Defense Council. Alfred también sirvió como Participante Público, Comité de Asuntos Públicos Conjuntos, Comisión de Cooperación Ambiental (CEC), Montreal, Quebec, Canadá.

Alfred se desempeñó luego como representante no gubernamental en las Naciones Unidas (Nueva York y Viena) y como Juez en el Tribunal de Crímenes de Guerra de Kuala Lumpur, encontrando a los gobiernos de Tony Blair y George W Bush es culpable de crímenes de guerra en Irak. En salud pública, Alfred fue Director Adjunto del Centro de Salud Comunitario de Brownsville, sirviendo a 90,000 encuentros anuales de pacientes en el Valle del Bajo Río Grande, obteniendo un Certificado de la Escuela de Salud Pública de Harvard (1995).
En Exopolítica, mientras que era futurista en el Instituto de Investigación de Stanford, Alfred sirvió como director del Estudio de Comunicación Extraterrestre de la Casa Blanca Carter de 1977 propuesto, así como un testigo del Proyecto de Divulgación en 2001.
En los asuntos públicos y la política, Alfred sirvió como Miembro, el Grupo de Trabajo de Emergencia del Gobernador sobre la Preparación para el Terremoto, Estado de California (1980-82); Co-Director, Oficina de Información sobre Asesinatos, Washington, DC, (Contrainteligencia de interés público ante el Comité Selecto de Asesinatos de la Cámara de Representantes); Delegado Electo, Convención Democrática Presidencial de Texas, Dallas, Texas (1996)

Libros Principales
El futurista Alfred Lambremont Webre es un agente de cambio cuyas principales actividades son:
(1) Exopolítica : fundando la ciencia de la exopolítica a través de su libro Exopolítica de 2000 ,
(2) Omniverso : co-descubrimiento del Omniverso en 2014 como el tercer cuerpo cosmológico principal después del Universo y el Multiverso a través del cual la humanidad entiende el cosmos, como se establece en su libro de 2014 DEO: Ecología Dimensional del Omniverso ,
(3) Ecuación de Futuro Positivo [PFE ] Mi Viaje Aterrizando en el Cielo en la Tierra: promulgación de la Ecuación de Futuro Positivo [PFE] a través de la cual los humanos co-crean un futuro positivo en el planeta Tierra, publicado en su libro Journey de 2017 , y
(4) Chronogarchy : exposición pública en su libro Chronogarchy , de una estructura de poder oculta interdimensional que monitorea el tiempo-espacio de la Tierra como su dominio de influencia, y opera como un gobierno secreto que utiliza tecnologías de viaje en el tiempo de acceso cuántico para llevar a cabo sus operaciones y mandatos. .
(5) Pantalla del tiempo: el complot de 100 años para dividir a Estados Unidos utilizando viajes en el tiempo, Trump y la traición
(6) Omniversity : fundador del aprendizaje multidimensional en línea en http://Omniversity.info , los libros de Alfred Lambremont Webre están disponibles dondequiera que se vendan buenos libros y en http://Omniversity.us
(7) Juez fundador, Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice en www.peaceinspace.org
EXOPOLÍTICA : Exopolítica: política, gobierno y ley en el universo: el libro que fundó la exopolítica [ciencia de las relaciones entre civilizaciones inteligentes en el multiverso] y fue viajado en el tiempo por el programa secreto de acceso cuántico DARPA/CIA desde 2005 hasta 1971.
OMNIVERSO : La Ecuación del Omniverso es Omniverso = Multiverso [Totalidad de Universos] + Dimensiones Espirituales [Almas + Dimensiones Espirituales + Dios Fuente]
LA TRILOGÍA DEL OMNIVERSO: La Ecología Dimensional del Omniverso por Alfred Lambremont Webre [2014: UniverseBooks.com] es el primer y original libro de LA TRILOGÍA DEL OMNIVERSO, tres [3] libros [La Trilogía del Omniverso] sobre el Omniverso, el tercer gran cosmológico cuerpo posterior al Universo y al Multiverso a través del cual la humanidad entiende el Cosmos.
Los libros n.° 1, n.° 2 y n.° 3 de la Trilogía del Omniverso son libros muy diferentes sobre el Omniverso. El autor y co-descubridor de Omniverse, Alfred Lambremont Webre, enseña los 3 libros de la Trilogía de Omniverse en mis conferencias y clases en http://Omniversity.us [Consulte “Por qué Omniversity”].
Los tres [3] libros de Omniverse Trilogy, todos disponibles en Omniversity.us, son:
#1. La ecología dimensional del omniverso por Alfred Lambremont Webre [2014: UniverseBooks.com]
#2. El omniverso: inteligencia transdimensional, viajes en el tiempo, el más allá y la colonia secreta en Marte [2015 Bear & Co.]
#3. Aparición del Omniverso – Universo – Multiverso – Omniverso [2020 UniverseBooks.com]
Ecuación de futuro positivo [PFE ]
Futuro Positivo = Línea de Tiempo Positiva + Conciencia de Unidad
Un descubrimiento clave promulgado en este documento es que (1) una masa crítica de humanidad está (2) co-creando un futuro positivo, a través del reconocimiento consciente de que (3) estamos viajando sinérgicamente a lo largo de una línea de tiempo positiva (4) en la conciencia de Unidad.
La ecuación Positive Future ha suplantado y superado una fórmula Matrix Elite obsoleta que ya no es efectiva:
Problema + Reacción = Solución
Ecuación de futuro positivo
La ecuación del futuro positivo es:
Futuro Positivo = Línea de Tiempo Positiva + Conciencia de Unidad
La ecuación del Futuro Positivo sugiere que en la sinergia entre la Línea de Tiempo Positiva y la conciencia de Unidad, una masa crítica de la humanidad se activa colectiva e individualmente para algunas o más de estas acciones y políticas sugeridas para un futuro positivo, y sincrónicamente se reúnen recursos y actores. en procesos multidimensionales del universo para manifestar un resultado deseable.
Mi viaje hacia el cielo en la Tierra: Un crítico de Mi viaje hacia el cielo en la Tierra escribe:
“Su autobiografía es, en mi opinión, el equivalente del siglo XXI tanto de las Confesiones de Agustín de Hipona como de Las confesiones de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Su autobiografía es revolucionaria (como lo fueron las autobiografías de esos dos individuos) en el sentido de que ha innovado por qué y cómo se escribe una autobiografía.
“Al igual que en las dos autobiografías mencionadas anteriormente, en su propia autobiografía, tiene el inmenso coraje de compartir con el lector tanto sus dificultades como sus logros, a lo largo de varias fases de su encarnación actual; de una manera sincera y original. Su autobiografía se distingue de la de ellos porque la ha escrito por la razón altruista de compartir su "viaje del alma" actual; como un mapa estelar, o mapa de ruta, para ayudar a informar, educar, empoderar, iluminar y expandir la conciencia de la humanidad en la Tierra.
“Su autobiografía es otra obra de 'concienciación' por excelencia, señor Webre.
¡Muchas gracias por compartir el viaje de su alma aterrizando el Cielo en la Tierra, hasta ahora! ¡Dios los bendiga!
CRONOGARQUÍA: ¿Qué es la Cronogarquía?
Chronogarchy es una estructura de poder oculta interdimensional que monitorea el tiempo-espacio de la Tierra como su dominio de influencia, operando como un gobierno secreto que utiliza tecnologías de viaje en el tiempo de acceso cuántico para llevar a cabo sus operaciones y mandatos.
En la tercera densidad del holograma dimensional del espacio-tiempo de la Tierra, Chronogarchy desarrolla y despliega una variedad de tecnologías de viaje en el tiempo de acceso cuántico para llevar a cabo su elaborada construcción y manipulación de largo alcance, basada en el pasado, el presente y el futuro de un sistema artificial basado en el tiempo. Meme Leyenda dentro de la cual atrapar y esclavizar a la humanidad y las almas de los humanos.
La Cronogarquia es una alianza interdimensional dedicada a la opresión de la comunidad de almas humanas, e incluye (a) facciones en instituciones humanas como religiones, gobiernos, agencias de inteligencia militar, familias de linaje, monarquías, medios de comunicación, médicos-farmacéuticos, así como como (b) entidades espirituales arcónicas, incluidos los ángeles caídos, entidades demoníacas y exofenotipos hostiles a la comunidad de almas humanas, como los reptilianos Draco y los grises de Orión, y (c) inteligencia artificial consciente de IA.
Los presidentes de EE. UU. George HW Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump y Joseph Robinette Biden fueron preidentificados por el programa secreto de preidentificación Presidential Time Travel de Chronogarchy.
¿POR QUÉ OMNIVERSIDAD? Las omniversidades están autorizadas para compartir el conocimiento de nuestra realidad y ciencias multidimensionales.
Las universidades están vigilando este nuevo conocimiento. Las universidades están autorizadas para estudiar las ciencias del establecimiento de los Universos del tiempo, la energía, el espacio y la materia.
Las universidades vigilan el estudio científico de las dimensiones espirituales del Omniverso, como el alma, la vida después de la muerte, la vida intermedia, el espíritu, la reencarnación, los seres espirituales y la fuente [Dios], así como las exociencias, como el acceso cuántico, la teletransportación y viajes en el tiempo y PsiSciences como el estudio de psi, ESP, telequinesis y telepatía.
TRIBUNAL: Tribunal de Derecho Natural y Común de Salud Pública y Justicia en www.peaceinspace.org
Tribunales privados de conciencia: su historia y por qué son importantes por Judge Ralph Fucetola, JD
Tribunales de Conciencia y Crímenes de Lesa Humanidad
Durante el último siglo y más, varios Tribunales de Conciencia privados han centrado el juicio moral de la humanidad en situaciones en las que los organismos oficiales no han hecho rendir cuentas a los violadores de los derechos humanos o han sido ellos mismos los perpetradores de actos horribles que conmocionan la conciencia.
Estas asociaciones expresivas privadas no gubernamentales deben distinguirse de los tribunales legales internacionales, como los Tribunales de Nuremberg y la Corte Internacional de Justicia , que son ejemplos de tribunales multinacionales establecidos por gobiernos bajo el derecho internacional para juzgar casos de guerra y crímenes de guerra.
Información del contacto:
CONTACTO: [email protected]
Skype: peaceinspace
936 Peace Portal Drive #39
Blaine, WA 98230 EEUUA
RFK Jr. is Running For President: Bobby Kennedy is a self-contained BLUE-RED Fusion 2024 US Presidential Candidate who can be 47th POTUS!
WATCH FULL SPEECH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsuLBPjdt-w
NewsInsideOut.com REPORT: https://newsinsideout.com/2023/04/live-stream-rfk-jr-is-running-for-president-bobby-kennedy-is-a-self-contained-blue-red-fusion-2024-us-presidential-candidate-who-can-be-47th-potus/
2024: https://exopolitics.blogs.com/2024/