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How to Interpret Correctly the Clinical Symptoms of Your Light Body Process (LBP)
By Dr. Georgi Stankov, MD,
September 24, 2011, Copyright 2011
The information given in this article is based on my personal experience with the Light Body Process (LBP), since I entered the last and most intensive phase in 1999. I finished with my LBP on October 13, 2010 when I ascended to the higher realms, but was asked to return back to earth and help humanity in the last crucial and rather vulnerable phase, associated with the preparation for the Shift and Ascension of earth and mankind in November this year. I have already depicted some of these experiences in my publications on the LBP and the role of the left versus right brain in this process. In this article, I will concentrate on the clinical symptoms that are associated with the LBP, which I have so far omitted for good reasons: I did not want to forge the hypochondriac tendencies in my readers. However, the huge high frequency waves that engulf earth and humanity in the last several months are exponentially amplifying the progress of the LBP in all light workers (star seeds) and many other more evolved human entities, so that many of them have already entered the last intensive phase of the LBP, which is associated with various, often severe, clinical symptoms. These I will discuss in a more scientific manner in this article, as to take away your fear and give you some confidence in the...