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2012: DMT, Psilocin, Mescalin, Ecstasy in the Preparation for Ascension
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
This article is part of a continuing series on the process of ascension, dimensional shift, or consciousness expansion during the 2011-12 timeframe and beyond.
Dr. Georgi Stankov is a Bulgarian scientist resident in Germany and a contributor to our continuing series on 2012 & Consciousness Shift. HIs latest latest article, The Appropriate Use of DMT, Psilocin, Mescalin, Ecstasy in the Preparation for Ascension, is featured below. Dr. Stankov's books and articles can be accessed at:
2012 & A Golden Age: Ascension
Watch lecture by Alfred Lambremont Webre on 2012 & A Golden Age
Readers can watch a lecture by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd on 2012 & A Golden Age that includes a discussion of the effects of DMT on ascension and consciousness shift embedded in the article above, or at the following URL:
The Appropriate Use of DMT, Psilocin, Mescalin, Ecstasy in the Preparation for Ascension.
The Astral-Energetic and Pharmacological Basis of Psychedelic Drugs in Opening Human Consciousness for the Multidimensionality of the 5th Dimension From the Point of View of the New General Theory of Biological Regulation of the Universal Law.
A Novel and Unique Scientific Approach to Human Psychedelic, Transcendental Experience."
By Georgi Stankov, MD
Copyright 2011-12 All rights reserved
This article opens a new venue in our scientific approach as to how human consciousness and its physical vessel - the brain - operates from an astral-energetic point of view. For the first time in the history of science I will present a unique and novel explanation to two fundamental aspects of human existence and experience that have not been understood at all by both scientists and spiritually evolved persons:
1. What mechanism is responsible for the amnesia - for the veil of forgetfulness with respect to the pristine realms of the soul - that is laid upon human consciousness at birth when the soul enters irreversibly the physical body of the incarnated entity? This amnesia is at the core of all human experience in the duality of the 3d-space-time on earth and is the source of all atrocities and dark actions, which are so typical for humanity on this planet.
2. How can the amnesia of the human brain and the narrow-minded daily consciousness of the incarnated entity be responsibly lifted as to enable the entity to acquire a glimpse into the staggering multidimensionality, simultaneity and synchronicity of the 5th and higher dimensions of the soul, which many human beings will begin to experience by the end of this year and certainly after mass Ascension in December 2012?
The effort which I shall undertake in this essay is highly ambitious as it amalgamates for the first time fundamental concepts of current bio-science, pharmacology and pharmacy with completely new ideas on the astral-energetic regulation of the human organism and the central nervous system (CNS). These ideas have been developed after I discovered the Universal Law of Nature and implemented it in bio-science and medicine (for further information see volume III "The General Theory of Biological Regulation" on this website).
In order to keep this article readable, I will refrain from complex scientific terminology. However, I must inevitably introduce some basic technical terms as to preserve the clarity and the scientific impeccability of my elaboration. This article is thus an introduction to the highly exciting field of human multidimensional psychology and cognition that will play a central role in human experience after Ascension in the 5th dimension.
When Spirit enters the human physical vessel and associates with the brain, it loses its cognitive ability to perceive All-That-Is in a simultaneous, multidimensional manner. Thus it becomes "human consciousness". I refer to this kind of limited consciousness as "daily consciousness", as human spirit acquires its original multidimensionality every night in the dream state. All human beliefs and prejudices that shape the current, rather primitive, human civilisation stem from our daily consciousness by neglecting the multidimensional dream experience when the veil of forgetfulness is lifted and human perception expanded.
The Ascension of humanity to the 5th dimension will be in essence a full return of human consciousness to the dream state of Spirit, by eliminating all the limitations of daily consciousness once and for all. This is one valid definition of Ascension. There are many others, being aspects of the multidimensionality of All-That-Is.
Human consciousness in the incarnated state, also defined as "mind", is limited by its sequential function, which prohibits the simultaneous experience of many parallel realities. The mechanism, how the sequential, slow operation of mind is achieved is not at all understood in present-day science. In fact, this basic fact is not even realized in psychology and neurobiology.
We can regard Spirit, in its individuation as human consciousness, as the software programme of cognition of the incarnated entity and the brain - as its hardware programme. In this case, the brain fulfils the function of a bio-modulator which transforms the astral-energetic signals of Spirit into biological, neurological signals with the purpose of regulating and moving the physical vessel of the incarnated entity in the 3d-space-time.
In this case, it is a fundamental blunder to believe that human consciousness can be found in the human skull, as all neuro-biologists erroneously preach nowadays. I recommend the reader to watch the recent interviews of Charlie Rose in Internet with prominent neuro-biologists on the functioning of the human brain, in order to realize the total confusion of present-day, empirically indoctrinated scientists with regard to the nature of human brain and mind.
The CNS of human species is created in such a way as to function sequentially and to be able to harbour numerous energetic blockages. The latter have been deliberately inserted by the genetic co-creators of human species, the Anunnaki from the Orion/Reptilian Empire, and later on somewhat improved by the Sirians and other representatives of the Galactic Federation as to allow for the gradual evolution of humans in the course of their long incarnation cycle on earth. During the current End Times, humanity already experiences a tremendous evolution of the human brain and mind, which is essentially achieved by eliminating step by step the numerous energetic blockades in the CNS, as well as in the mental and emotional body.
These blockades are fear based patterns that operate according to the law of destructive interference at the biological and astral-emotional level. I have discussed the laws of constructive and destructive interference, which are the Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction in my last book titled "The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction. Why and How the World Economic Order Will Collapse in 2011" that is published on this website. The blockades are eliminated by creating new conditions of constructive interference in the brain and human consciousness as part of Spirit and by augmenting the frequencies of the mental and emotional body thus attuning them to the universal resonance of All-That-Is, which we perceive and define as "unconditional love".
The establishment of constructive interference in the CNS is achieved by building new synaptic connections, which cannot be detected by current neurobiology as they are beyond its ability to verify them experimentally. I shall now present a novel scientific approach in order to explain for the first time how the soul regulates the human brain and prepares it energetically for Ascension in the 5th dimension, where its capacity will be increased from the current modest 8-10% to 50% and more. Present-day bio-science is completely unaware of this central theoretical aspect of the human brain in the current End Times.
Human consciousness (and perception) is highly compartmentalized - it is divided into numerous tiny facets of cognition. This is the chief reason for the highly illogical nature of human thinking as observed today, which I am trying to improve since 1995 with a modest success by having developed a novel axiomatic, logical method of thinking (see volume II on physics on this website). The improvement of human logical thinking will be the chief spiritual objective of all entities after Ascension in the 5th dimension.
The key mechanism for this compartmentalisation of human consciousness and the brain will be now elucidated for the first time in the history of modern science.
The CNS of humans can be regarded as an assembly of neurons which are connected through neuronal synapses. A synapse is a junction between two neurons - a pre-synaptic and a post-synaptic neuron - with respect to the flow of neurological impulses. The latter are called in bio-science "action potentials".
In my last article on energetic gradients on this website, I have shown that all energy interactions which we observe in All-That-Is are products of energy gradients, because Energy = All-That-Is manifests itself in form of energy gradients. The action potential of neurons, and of all body cells, is the universal energetic (electromagnetic) gradient, with the help of which the soul regulates the multi-cellular organic body of the incarnated entity, via the seven body chakras. This topic is huge and can only be marginally mentioned in this article.
Every human cell builds an electromagnetic gradient across its membrane, called "membrane potential at rest". This potential represents the universal form of storing energy in the organic body. This energy comes from the cell metabolism, which is essentially a cascade of chemical redox reactions that degrade human food, such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats to protons and electrons. These are actively expelled on every biological membrane to build a cell membrane potential. The same potentials are also observed in cell organelles, in particular, in mitochondria.
I am the first scientist to have realized the true nature of cell membrane potentials for the regulation of the organic body and to have explained it in an immaculate manner, after I discovered the Universal Law of Nature in 1994 (see volume III).
Essentially, cell and human metabolism has only one purpose: To degrade food in the course of cell metabolism to protons and electrons and to build numerous membrane potentials in the cells. This is the stored electromagnetic energy of the organism, which is now used to regulate the cells and the body and to build new biochemical compounds for the regeneration of the cells and the organism.
In other words, the electro-chemical energy of the membrane potentials is the universal "vis vitalis" - the life-spending force - that keeps our bodies alive. All biological cells are highly sophisticated electromagnetic units based on carbon compounds and represent an advanced technology of the souls from the higher realms with the purpose of having experience in a material 3d-environment.
There are many other incarnation experiments in the solar 3d-universes of All-That-Is that have developed different forms of three-dimensional life, which have nothing to do with the carbon-based organic matter, as we know it on earth. For instance, the new light bodies of the ascended human beings after 2012 will be of crystalline nature.
I am discussing here various aspects of bio-science in the context of the upcoming Ascension of humanity as to demonstrate how all aspects of this cosmic event are intrinsically linked with the foundation of present-day science, which has no idea about these key topics that will determine the destiny of humanity in the course of this and next year.
Let us summarize the basic tenets of our new energetic approach to organic matter in general, and to the CNS of humans in particular.
All human cells build a membrane potential. When they are at rest, the potential represents stored electromagnetic energy, which is obtained from the degradation of food in cell metabolism. When a cell, for instance a neuron, is activated, the membrane potential is released in form of "action potential". An action potential is the basic electromagnetic wave of all human cells, with which the stored electromagnetic energy is transformed into biochemical energy and the cells and the organism are kept alive.
This knowledge is currently not known in bio-science, although the existence of membrane potentials and action potentials in all body cells is known for more than 80 years. The well-known EEG and ECG of the brain, respectively, of the heart, are superimposed electromagnetic waves of all cells pertaining to these organs. It is astounding that this simple fact has not been theoretically elucidated in bio-science so far. Hence the total confusion that empiric science will experience this year, after these facts are revealed to the broad public in the course of Ascension.
The whole biochemical energy from our food-intake is transformed in the body cells into electromagnetic energy (excluding the heat due to the body temperature that is radiated to the surroundings) of the membrane potentials and then again transformed into biochemical energy or matter in the course of the body regulation by the astral programme of the incarnated soul, which includes the body chakras and further body-regulatory astral systems of the soul. This is currently not known to all conventionally thinking scientists. All-That-Is = Energy is Energy-Exchange. Energy always flows from one form into another, as I have extensively explained in my last book.
Now that we have understood the energetic basis of body and cell metabolism, let us concentrate on the CNS and discuss its structure. The brain, the CNS, is an assembly of neurons which are connected through synapses. Each neuron consists of a cell body and several axons, which are prolongations of the cell body. All synapses in the CNS are built between the axons of the neurons or between axons and cell bodies. The whole brain function is exerted through such synapses.
Essentially, there are two kinds of synapses: a) excitatory and b) inhibitory synapses.
When an action potential is triggered in a neuron, it propagates along the axons and reaches the synapses. When this action potential is transferred to the post-synaptic neuron and triggers an action potential in it, we speak of "excitatory synapse". When the action potential of the pre-synaptic neuron is inhibited on the synapse and cannot be propagated to the post-synaptic neuron, we speak of "inhibitory synapse".
The whole regulation of the CNS is effected by such excitatory and inhibitory synapses, which are highly dynamic and are incessantly rearranged in the brain by the astral programme of the soul. The whole intellectual evolution of the incarnated entity from a baby to an adult, including its reversal in the elderly, is based on the perennial rearrangement of infinite synapses in the human brain, which are as numerous as all stars in the Milky Way together.
All specialized neurological reactions which are an object of study in neurobiology are accomplished by such numerous synapses and clusters of synapses, which are topologically defined as "brain centres" - e.g., of vision, motion, etc.
However, the actual coordination of the human body is effected by the astral programme of the soul, and the brain is merely a bio-modulator that translates these astral-energetic signals in specific clusters of synaptic impulses, which are then propagated by the peripheral nervous system throughout the whole body and trigger the various cell contractions and motions of muscles and internal organs. This is basic physiology that should be known by all readers from school biology.
We have learned so far that the action potential of a neuron is propagated along its axons and reaches the synapse to the next neuron. And now it becomes a little bit more complicated. The action potential is not simply transferred to the next neuron as an electromagnetic wave does in a wire, although the axons of the neurons can be regarded as biological wires for didactic purposes.
Each two neurons are separated at their synapse by the so called "intrasynaptic gap". The action potential cannot jump like a lightning from one neuron to the next one. Instead it has to be first transformed into chemical energy in the intrasynaptic gap.
The action potential of each cell is nothing else, but a quick depolarisation of the membrane potential at rest. This depolarisation triggers a global stimulation of the cell. Its metabolism is rapidly augmented and it produces numerous biochemical compounds as part of the cell metabolism. In the case of neurons, the action potential triggers the excretion of neurotransmitters in the intrasynaptic gap of the synapse.
Neurotransmitters are physiological compounds of the neurons that can induce a new depolarisation of the adjacent post-synaptic neuron and depolarise it. Thus they induce a post-synaptic action potential that is further propagated. This is the principal energetic mechanism, according to which our brain and the whole nervous system operate.
Neurotransmitters are basic bio-molecules that participate in the brain function and modulate it in numerous ways. Most neurotransmitter are depolarising and activate the post-synaptic neuron by triggering an new action potential. Such an action potential is called "excitatory post-synaptic potential " (EPSP).
Few neurotransmitter in the brain are of the repolarising type, i..e., they induce a repolarisation of the membrane potential at rest, so that the threshold of cell activation is increased and the post-synaptic neuron becomes inactive. It cannot trigger a new action potential. Such potentials are called "inhibitory post-synaptic potentials" (IPSP). This is basic neuro-physiology.
In fact, the inhibitory and excitatory synapses of the brain neurons are created by connecting their axons in a various manner. For instance, an axon of the pre-synaptic neuron is connected with another axon of an adjacent neuron, which is propagating an action potential to the second axon so that the latter can no longer be activated. Thus the synapse, which it builds, is inactivated and it behaves as an inhibitory synapse. There are numerous morphological connections between the various neurons and their axons in the CNS that create inhibitory or excitatory synapses. In this respect they ultimately create both, EPSP and IPSP, although the vast majority of neurotransmitters in the CNS are of the depolarising type, This fact is not alt all comprehended in pharmacology - hence its huge confusion on this issue, as we shall show below.
At this place the reader may have asked himself, how does the author distinguish between depolarising and repolarising neurotransmitters. Indeed, this distinction is not known to current bio-science. I was the first researcher to discover this property of all biological compounds and to explain it with the physical theory of the Universal Law.
Principally, there are two kinds of bio-chemical moieties in the organism: depolarising and repolarising substances. Most of the neurotransmitters in the nervous system are of the depolarising type. However, there is a small number of neurotransmitters that cause a repolarisation of the membrane potential at rest. I have discussed this issue extensively in volume III.
1. All depolarising neurotransmitters or other bio-substances trigger an action potential in the cell and stimulate its metabolism.
2. All repolarising neurotransmitters or other bio-substances augment the threshold of activation of the membrane potential at rest and slow down cell metabolism. Such moieties cause maturation of the cell.
Both actions are physiological and are universally applied by the software-programme of the soul to regulate the physical body. Between these two states - depolarisation and repolarisation of the body cells - there are infinite discrete energetic states that are responsible for the fine-tuned regulation of all cells in the body under the condition of global constructive interference. Please observe that all body cells are superimposed electromagnetic wave systems.This optimal state of the multi-celllular organic body is described in popular language as "health" .
The whole body regulation is effected by these two energetic phenomena - depolarisation and repolarisation. All biological compounds that are produced by the cells and excreted in the interstitial space between the cells and, from there, in the lymph and the blood system, contribute to this kind of stimulation of the body cells. This is the common effector level of all physiological compounds, but also of all drugs and other substances that are inserted in the human or any other organism.
This fundamental novel knowledge was first elaborated by myself in 1993-1994 in the course of my clinical research activities and led ultimately to the discovery of the Universal Law - first in organic matter and shortly thereafter in physical matter. This discovery was only possible with the active support and inspiration from the highest realms of cosmic providence as part of the enlightenment programme for humanity in the End Times. To this, I shall say much more in future articles.
In the meantime, I hope that the competent reader has already asked himself the next crucial question: "How does the author discriminate between depolarising and repolarising substances, given the fact that this phenomenon is not known to bio-scientists yet?" This is, indeed, a very important question.
Here, I come to my next intellectual achievement in the field of bio-science - the so called "dipole model". This model is an application of the physical, quantum theory of the Universal Law in bio-chemistry. The full description of this model is rather complicated, as it presupposes a detailed knowledge of the chemical structures of most organic substances and their function in the cell and the organism.
I have extensively discussed the dipole model in my book on biological regulation published on this website (volume III) To this I will say that much: I have tested the validity of the dipole model on most drugs, currently available on the market (more than 4000 chemical moieties) and on many important organic compounds and I have not found a single substance that does not comply with this model.
The new dipole model is of universal validity, as is the whole scientific theory of the Universal Law. It is based on the dipole moment of each chemical substance that can be elucidated from its chemical structure. I have established some very precise rules how to evaluate such substances based on their electromagnetic, quantum structure. As already said, the new dipole model, based on these rules, has been confirmed on many thousand bio-chemical moieties and drugs without a single exception.
At this place, I come inevitably to a very depressing aspect of bio-science and medicine. According to the dipole model, all chemical moieties can be either cell-stimulating or cell-inhibiting - that is to say, they either stimulate the cell metabolism by triggering depolarisation or repolarisation of their membrane potentials or they inhibit the physiological regulation of the body cells by simply deleting the electromagnetic membrane potential with their numerous positively charged N-groups.
I have found out that about 90% of all synthetic drugs that are currently registered by FDA and other pharmaceutical regulatory bodies and are available on the market are cell-inhibiting drugs. Such drugs disrupt the physiological regulation of the body cells, which is exerted through physiological depolarisation and repolarisation of the membrane potentials, and thus increase morbidity and mortality in the patients, especially when they are administered chronically.
I have calculated that the current health care system in the Western world, where it was primarily developed after the WW2 parallel to the development of the pharmaceutical industry, has caused a massive holocaust among the human population that is much greater than the holocaust of Slavonic and Jewish people in the WW2. This holocaust is still going on!
To prove this conclusion, I have analysed and quoted many excellent double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials that have been performed and published after 1988, when the new FDA recommendations for drug approval demanded for the first time the conduct of placebo-controlled trials (see volume III on this website).
Before 1988, all drugs were registered on insufficient or poor clinical evidence. These drugs make the bulk of all registered drugs nowadays.
When the new FDA recommendations were established, the clinical researchers, such as myself, found out that most tested active drugs for registration significantly increase mortality and morbidity when compared to placebo, that is to say, to no treatment. In the mean, between 1 and 3% percent of all tested patients were exterminated by the active drug treatments in comparison to placebo.
I have quoted more than 50 such "negative trials" in my book on biological regulation, which were published in such famous journals as Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine and should be known to all specialists in this field, However, until now most of these drugs are still on the market, although the irrefutable scientific proof that they kill patients has been furnished long time ago.
I have no other explanation for this dreadful fact, but to point out to the machinations of the Powers That Be that exert a firm control on the health care system in the Western countries and promote a genocide of incredible proportions on the human population with the aim of reducing it substantially in order to better control it in the End Times.
This background information is indispensable, as it will help us understand why some psychedelic drugs, which have been proven to have pronounced healing effects in many diseases and are known to have practically no adverse or side effects, have been forbidden for broad use by the dark forces in the pharmaceutical sector and the health care system.