by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Dr. Georgi Stankov, a Bulgarian scientist living in Germany, has released a 182-page book “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction: Why and How the World Economic Order will collapse in 2011!" demonstrating that universal law supports the collapse of the world economy starting in 2011, coupled with the start of mass ascension of awakened humans in 2012, with the trigger date being December 21, 2012.
In his book Dr. Stankov writes, “All evolved souls will ascend. This will include all star seeds (light workers), indigo, crystalline, and rainbow children (old souls), and most adult souls. According to the working model of soul age, as developed by the author, all adult and old souls will ascend. His estimations are that there are currently about 4-8% old souls and about 25-30% adult souls on earth.”
Open extraterrestrial "disclosure" will occur, according to Dr. Stankov, in the 5th dimension between advanced interdimensional intelligent civilizations and the ascended "5th dimensional" human race.
Download “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction: Why and How the World Economic Order will collapse in 2011!" (free)
Dr. Georgi Stankov’s book (Parts I & II) “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction: Why and How the World Economic Order will collapse in 2011!" has been made available to Alfred Lambremont Webre at and can be downloaded as a free resource on the Internet at the following URL:
Dr. Stankov’s discovery of universal law
In 1993, Dr. Stankov, whose bio can be seen here, “discovered at his institute that the group of polyenes (macrolides) has remarkable therapeutic effects in a number of chronic diseases, for which there is no treatment at present, and was granted a U.S. patent. The theoretical explanation of this novel mode of action led to the discovery of the Universal Law in bio-science and medicine and to the development of the General Theory of Biological Regulation.“
Dr. Stankov wrote two books on his discovery of universal law and a general theory of bioregulation that can also be downloaded free at
The Universal Law. The General Theory of Physics and Cosmology. Volume II (concise version), English, 290 pages, first published in 2000.
The General Theory of Biological Regulation. The Universal Law in Bioscience and Medicine. Volume III, English, 377 pages, first published in 2000.
A summary of universal law
According to Dr. Stankov, “In 1995, I discovered the Universal Law of nature (the Law); I showed that all physical laws and their applications can be derived from this one law within mathematical formalism, and explained it epistemologically. This has led to the development of a unified theory of physics and cosmology, which is an axiomatization (axiomatics) of physics and mathematics. Thus physics is applied mathematics. The major results of this theory are: all terms in physics can be axiomatically derived from the primary term - energy = space-time (primary axiom). Energy (space-time) is closed, infinite, continuous, inhomogeneous (discrete), and constant; it is in a state of permanent energy exchange. The continuum (the set of all numbers) is equivalent to the primary term. The new axiomatics can be empirically verified. Thus the validity of mathematics as challenged by Gödel’s theorem can be proven in the real word (proof of existence). This eliminates the continuum hypothesis and the foundation crisis of mathematics.
“The Universal Law describes space-time in terms of mathematics. The universal equation is E = EAf, where E is energy exchange, EA is a specific constant amount (quantum) of exchanged energy, called "action potential", and f = E/EA is called "absolute time". It is a dimensionless quotient.
“The Universal Law is a "law of energy". Energy (space-time) is the only real thing. All physical quantities such as mass, charge, force, and momentum are abstract subsets of space-time that are defined within mathematics (objects of thought). They are dimensionless numbers that belong to the continuum. Since they contain space-time as an element (U-subsets), they can be derived in an axiomatic manner from the primary term.
“For instance, mass is a synonym for an energy (space-time) relationship and charge is a synonym for area, that is, the SI unit 1 coulomb is equivalent to 1 m2. This leads to the unification of physics and cosmology on the basis of mathematical formalism. This new physical and mathematical axiomatics also integrates gravitation with the other forces.”
Negative ET occupation of Earth and the 2012 Ascension process
The following is an excerpt (Chapter 15) from Dr. Georgi Stankov’s book, “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction: Why and How the World Economic Order will collapse in 2011!" .
CHAPTER 15. Ascension is the Separation of the Wheat from the Chaff
Copyright 2011 All rights reserved Dr. Georgi Stankov
“The last several decades in the history of mankind are marked by a severe battle in the 4th, 5th and higher dimensions between the dark forces, The Powers That be, the so called “Unholy six” (Greys, Reptilians, zeta Reticuli, etc.), the actual controllers of earth, on the one hand, and the Forces of Light (Galactic Federation, White Brotherhood, etc.) on the other.
“While this battle has huge repercussions in the third dimension on earth, the vast majority of human entities are not even aware of it. The sleeping majority of human beings are involuntary slaves of the Powers That Be, who execute this perennial enslavement through their proxies. The latter have the hidden agenda to create the New World Order, as one of their main speakers, [Dr. Henry A.] Kissinger, recently loudly proclaimed on television.
“To this end they have corrupted in the last several decades the financial system worldwide by transforming it into a huge Ponzi scheme that is exclusively based on creating new debt and money out of thin air. The chief culprits are the FED and the private American and Anglo-Saxon banks that own this central bank, followed by ECB and other central banks. Many of the CEOs of these financial corporations are human clones that are created by genetic engineering by the Unholy Six, in the first place, by the Greys. This knowledge will become a central piece of information in the revelations and tribulations that will take place in the course of this year [2011].
“Therefore, the only people that know exactly what will occur in the End Times are the proxies of the Dark forces, also known as Illuminati, the hidden Government, the Powers of the New World Order, the 13 families, etc., and the super-secret services that have been engaged in clandestine joint ventures, mainly underground, with the Unholy six. They have created many new technologies, including UFOs and other vehicles, while at the same time they have systematically suppressed the implementation of numerous patents and new technologies for the sake of the broad population.
For instance, the clean technology to produce hydrogen and oxygen from water as a fuel for all kinds of motors of combustion is available for several decades, but it has been deliberately suppressed by the oil corporations that are in the hands of the dark forces.
“The ultimate goal of such nefarious practices is the enslavement of mankind. However, this is not the plan for humanity at this time, as the Forces of Light will also have a say on this issue.
“There are some light workers that are also informed about what is happening behind the scene. However, the vast majority of star seeds are either completely ignorant on the role of the dark forces in the shaping of humanity or prefer to close their eyes, as these facts can be indeed very scary, and fears do not help the light body process and Ascension. Nevertheless, some of these facts must be made public very soon. Information is Light, and where Light is, there is no Evil. The activities of the dark forces must be completely blocked this year [2011], so that they can no longer exert their deplorable influence on mankind prior to Ascension.
“While the dark forces want to preserve the status quo, the Forces of Light are preparing our planet and the vast majority of mankind for Ascension in the 5th dimension. The final shift of earth – in the Bible this event is also known as Rapture –will be accomplished on 21 December 2012. Our planet will then split into two planets as already discussed: 1) Planet A will ascend in the 5th dimension and 2) Planet B will stay in the present 3d-density, will experience huge material and natural disasters during and after the shift, and will slowly degrade to an even greater density and separation from the Whole.
“As already said, planet B will be a living hell. The portion of incarnated entities that will decide to live in further separation will continue to live on planet B or will leave earth prior to Ascension. The Powers That Be will have full control on this planet. They are preparing themselves for this event for a long time. They are fully aware of the fact that in the last two years of Revelations and Tribulations they will lose their grip on mankind and earth. All they want to achieve currently is somehow to survive the shift and proceed with their evil business as usual on Planet B. In the meantime, they are doing everything possible to take as many sleeping human beings with them on planet B, as they can harvest in these times of tribulations.
“The Forces of Light and the highly evolved earth souls are doing their best to awaken as much incarnated entities as possible, so that they can make their own choices based on their free will and personal knowledge. The alternatives are: 1) to awaken and ascend with the earth in the 5th dimension, 2) to leave earth and go back to the original realms of all souls, or 3) to stay on a degrading catastrophic planet and experience more of the same and even worse.
“All evolved souls will ascend. This will include all star seeds (light workers), indigo, crystalline, and rainbow children (old souls), and most adult souls. According to the working model of soul age, as developed by the author, all adult and old souls will ascend. His estimations are that there are currently about 4-8% old souls and about 25-30% adult souls on earth.
“During the End Times, the adult soul population will transgress into old souls and most old souls (star seeds) will ascend in the 5th dimension prior to the final mass Ascension. The transition from one soul age cycle to the next one is associated with a profound confusion that arises from the new psycho-mental and energetic orientation of the incarnated entities as to comply with the requirements of the new soul age.
“The adult souls have been exploring their inner dimension for the last 3-4000 years on earth in numerous incarnations, various cultural environments, races, social positions, and dramatic destinies. Quite often they have chosen the role of the martyr and have consented to become victims of young souls who have to make the experience of the perpetrator and extinguish human lives in this soul age. This is part of their “fall from grace”, through which every soul must go. Such intensive human involvements and experiences create the necessary karma that has to be worked out step by step in the following incarnations when the ability to show compassion, love, and understanding have grown in the course of painful experience. This is the chief objective of the adult soul age.
“Therefore, in this soul age the incarnated entities must work out their karma either by consenting to become victims of other younger souls or to take responsibilities for other souls that require from them huge sacrifices. During this age cycle the adult soul experiences seldom moments of fulfillment and happiness. She has to live through many stressful moments and to shed many tears. For this reason her eyes are clear and shining.
“The eyes of young souls of lower grade of evolution are on the contrary dark and without any sparkling. It should be well known, at least among light workers, that the eyes of the incarnated entity are windows to the soul. Purely for this reason young souls cannot look in the eyes of adult and old souls, as they have to re-member the existence of the soul and this insight scares them to death. Most of these souls are product of genetic engineering by the dark forces and can be easily recognized by their lifeless, dark eyes.
“The vast majority of souls that have incarnated on earth at this time are in the young soul cycle (45-50%). Most of them are on the verge of being transgressed into the adult soul cycle. This transgression begins with a total confusion and a dramatic shift of previous beliefs and social habits. The young soul cycle is associated with a maximal amnesia, because in this age the soul has to focus its intent and abilities towards manipulating and changing the external world. These activities include physical matter, but also the manipulation of other entities under various conditions. This kind of experience is typical for the young soul age.
“The baby and child souls are also separated from the Source. However, as their mental abilities are rudimental, they are guided in an instinctive, subconscious manner by their souls throughout their life. Since they are unable to exert any influence on society, their biographies are well wrapped in rigid family structures, or they have the assurance to leave the body vessel prematurely, if they cannot cope with the harsh conditions on earth.
“The majority of baby and young souls can be found in third world countries, where the mortality rate due to diseases and poor living conditions is quite high, and life expectancy is low. In the industrial countries, baby and young souls can be found in rural areas with stable family structures. In this environment mobility and individuality are not needed to the same extent as in big cities and other urban areas, which are predominantly populated by young souls.
“As young souls live in maximal separation from the higher self and All-That-Is, their psychological characteristics are very similar to those of the dark forces that live for eons of time in total separation from the Source. Therefore, they tend to cooperate with them or to succumb to their dark influence from the 4th dimension. Most of the current Elite are young souls.
“The dark forces in the 4th dimension are defined in the esoteric literature as demonic, Luciferian, satanic (Rhyee), etc. In previous times, for instance, in ancient Greece and Hellenism, there was a better understanding for these dark forces and their despicable influence on human behaviour. Plotinus, the founder of Neo-Platonism, the most sophisticated Gnostic teaching in the history of Western civilization, has described these demonic forces extensively and very precisely in his Enneads.
“Christianity borrowed its knowledge on the dark forces from him and other Neo-Platonists, but distorted their teachings to such an extent that the primitive and very corrupt idea of “the Devil” or “Evil” as a distinct entity was born. This distortion was deliberately forged by the Orion reptilians during the Dark Ages, when their reign on earth was unlimited.
“The concept of evil, such as Bush’s “axis of evil”, Reagan’s “empire of evil” (Soviet Union), is used anytime, when an evil one has made up his mind to commit crimes on humanity and needs a false pretext and a rectification for his intended crime. This pattern has remained invariant throughout history.
“It will be sufficient to point out to the fact that the American nation is paradigmatic for the collective behaviour of young souls: It is the classical young soul nation on earth that dominates and determines the behaviour of a large portion of humanity. The plots and protagonists of Hollywood films have stipulated these negative, perverse, truly dark features of the young American souls to the utmost. This is the psycho-mental mind-set of present-day humanity and, to the opinion of the author, one need few words to persuade the reader as to how deplorable the situation on earth has become prior to Ascension.
“This year [2011], the huge wave of young souls on earth will enter the adult soul cycle. This transgression is associated with a radical shift in their obsession with the manipulation of the outer reality towards the multidimensionality of the inner soul. This process begins with a total confusion of this population of incarnated entities, as none of their young soul beliefs of maximal separation will hold true after their energetic transformation.
“The events that are about to unfold very soon will pull the rug away from under their feet and they will have to glimpse into the abysses of their “rotten” souls. This will be a very painful experience, and their reactions and mental aberrations at this time will surpass anything known so far. The recommendation of the author to the light workers is to see through these events with a great portion of relaxation and humor and to not let them being dragged down by the psychopathic and schizophrenic moods of their surroundings and on the world stage.
“The transgression from one soul age into the next one is the greatest challenge to every soul during her incarnation cycle. For this reason some souls prefer to perform this transformation as excarnated entities in the 5th dimension, because it is less dramatic. Other, more courageous souls make this transformation in the 3d-reality. There is no fixed rule to this. The transgression from one soul age to another is associated with a massive release of energetic blockages in the four bodies or fields of the incarnated entity – the physical, emotional, mental, and causal.
“During this time, the seven body chakras also undergo a huge energetic transformation that is generally referred to as light body process. It begins with the 4th heart chakra that opens first, as this is currently the case with most light workers, When it is fully opened, it enlarges significantly and encompasses the lower three chakras, and unifies them with the upper three chakras. The newly built chakra is a unified chakra of the human body. It allows the flow of much more energy from the higher self and the higher realms into the physical body.
“The massive transformation of the physical body can now begin with a high speed. The goal is to augment the frequency of the organic body to that of the ethereal body. At that point the phase transformation of the organic body into light body can be instantaneously accomplished. This description holds true for the individual Ascension process, when the entity can ascend without being supported by earth’s Ascension and the cosmic tsunami wave at the end of 2012.
“The 6th and 7th chakra of such highly evolved entities must be fully opened and connected with the 7th to 14th chakra of the over-soul. Normally, the 6th and 7th chakra are closed in most incarnated entities. This is the reason, why the vast majority of the incarnated entities on earth do not exhibit any medial abilities.
“With the opening of the portal 10.10.10, these upper chakras have also begun to open by most star seeds, and they are now connected with their higher self. Only incarnated entities who have achieved this level in the light body process will qualify for Ascension prior to mass Ascension, most probably after the last, but one, portal 11.11.11 is opened in late autumn this year [2011].
“With the beginning of this year [2011], humanity has fully entered the process of transgression from one soul age into the higher one. This process is not truly comprehended by most light workers, and it is a non-entity for the rest of mankind. This must change radically this year. A major objective of this essay is to expand human consciousness and to make the people aware of this astral process that now takes place behind the curtain, but will very soon unleash its force on mass psychology and behaviour.
“Some young souls will successfully manage their transgression into the adult soul age in the End Times and will qualify for Ascension. Others will return to the 5th dimension as excarnated souls and the rest will remain on planet B. Some of these entities, who belong to the current Elite, may become the new Elite on this planet, provided the fact that they have survived the shift and the turmoil thereafter.
“There will be some small waves of Ascension of star seeds, who have sufficiently progressed with their light body process before December 2012. This event will trigger a true spiritual revolution and evolution in the minds of most human beings. It will urge the people to rapidly make their minds to ascend with earth at the end of 2012. However, not all of them will be prepared for Ascension on December 21, when our planet will be in alignment with the central sun of the galaxy and with the other planets of the Galactic Federation, and a huge photon wave will flood earth.
“Some of them will stay on planet B for a while and will have the possibility to enter the 5th dimension at a later stage. In the meantime, they will have to live on a catastrophic earth. This circumstance will eventually facilitate their decision.
“In the post-shift period of 3-4 years, the two planets A and B will still have energetic interceptions that will allow the establishment of portals, which can be used by these entities to enter the 5th dimension. They will receive much help at this difficult time from the Forces of Light and from some highly evolved incarnated entities that have already ascended.
“After that the two earths will irreversibly separate, Planet A will move definitely in the 5th dimension and planet B will go along the path of greater density and separation from All-That-Is. This is the experience, which some very young souls will prefer to make in the course of their incarnation circle. One should accept their choice without expressing false moral prejudices.
“The splitting of earth and humanity in two streamlines of existence during the End Times is summarized in the famous statement “The separation of the wheat from the chaff”. The portion of mankind that will decide to remain on Planet B will have for a long period of time no idea of God or even religion, as there will be no more highly evolved souls on this planet that will be beacons of light, as most light workers are nowadays. There will be also no incarnated souls that will be ready to play the role of the martyr and give these young souls the possibility to commit all kinds of atrocities, while learning their karmic lessons. All entities on planet B will be equally evil.
“The society on planet B will constitute entirely of entities who will behave according to their egoistic, fearful view of total separation from each other and the Whole. They will consider all other entities as foes and will not be able to follow any moral or ethical principles whatsoever. Human life will have no value on this planet, and all kinds of heinous criminal acts will represent the normal way of living in this debased society. These entities will have to discover anew the Light in their own personality, before they can begin to evolve and experience Ascension in eons of time. This is the normal cycle of incarnation on earth and many other planets in the solar universes of 3d-space-time.
The entities who will ascend on planet A will stay in the 5th dimension for another 2000 years. Each individual will have the possibility to progress at his own pace. Death will no longer be necessary in order to leave this plane of existence – the entity will be able to de-materialize his light body at his own discretion. Many will soon be able to create and dissolve their light bodies whenever they wish. The contact with other souls from the soul family or past friends can be established anytime. Matter will be more fluid, and immediate Creation upon imagination will soon be possible for many ascended entities. Karma will no longer exist. All relations will be heart-based and will express Christ consciousness. The autarky of all entities will be fully guaranteed and abundance will be the normal state of living, as immediate Creation will be possible for all entities. Life in the 5th dimension, also known as Celestria, will be, indeed, Heaven.
“Therefore, the choice that mankind and every individual will have to make in the next two years will be as follows: Ascend to Heaven or stay on earth and live in Hell. Hardly a choice! But as the events will show, quite a number of human entities will eventually decide to follow their current masters – the Powers That Be – and will stay on earth B, where they can continue enjoying their heinous plans to enslave mankind, without the meddling of some star seeds.”
DR. STANKOV’S BOOK continues and can be downloaded free at:
Alternative interpretations of the 2012 dimensional shift
There are alternative interpretations of the evolution of human consciousness and the Ascension process to a higher dimensional frequency of being. Some of these alternatives are:
2012 Dimensional shift: two separate Earths
One interpretation of the 2012 dimensional shift that is congruent with Dr. Stankov’s is that of Anthony Kane, grandnephew of Dr. Martin Luther King (Nobel Peace Prize winner) and contactee of an interdimensional governance body called the “Council of Twelve”.
Anthony Kane, a black American relative of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (former recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize) and reported continuing contactee of representatives of an apparent extraterrestrial, hyperdimensional governance authority known as the “Council of Twelve,” has delivered a number of specific datelines and predicted developments concerning a dimensional shift which Earth and human consciousness is now undergoing in relation to the year 2012, according to information Mr. Kane received from the “Council of Twelve.”
Mr. Kane describes the “Council of Twelve” as stating that during the nine days from December 12, 2012 (12/12/12) to December 21, 2012, the planet Earth will split dimensionally into two separate Earths, each of which has different dimensional frequencies. Mr. Kane describes this as a process analogous to the way that a single cell can split into two cells.
According to the “Council of Twelve,” humans with a consciousness anchored in fear will remain in the third dimensional Earth. Individuals who are experiencing a “conscious awakening” and putting an effort into being conscious of the shift will migrate into the new dimension of the fifth dimensional Earth.
Dimensional portal opening on 11.11.11
Both Dr. Stankov and Mr. Kane independently Mr. Kane describe an interdimensional portal to the 5th dimensiona opening on 11.11.11 (November 11, 2011) for the migration or ascension of certain individual humans at that time to the 5th dimensional existence.
Both Mr. Kane and Dr. Stankov have stated that they may be migrating to the 5th dimension on 11.11.11. Mr. Kane indicates he was told this by the Council of Twelve.
Readers can listen to an in-depth interview with Anthony Kane and Alfred Lambremont Webre at:
2012: Dr. Martin Luther King relative, contactee, brings UFO/ET message of dimensional shift in 2012
Time acceleration matrix: A shift toward unity consciousness
Dr. Carl Johan Calleman states that humanity has entered a portal in linear time when the singularity at the core of our universe has begun to emanate a wave of universal, ‘enlightened universal consciousness’ that began on March 9, 2011 and ends on October 28, 2011. From then on the singularity at the core of our universe will emanate constant ‘enlightened universal consciousness.’
The singularity at the center of our galaxy (the galactic center ‘black hole’) modulates this universe consciousness energy wave as well, to which all of our souls and minds have access.
Universal alternating energy wave movements have been a feature of our universe, says Dr. Calleman, since the Big Bang, and it is these wave movements that have shaped the nature of consciousness in our universe over the past 18 billion years.
The final wave of singularity emanations (from March 9 – October 28, 2011) of ‘enlightened universal consciousness’ itself is the culmination of all alternating energy wave movements since the creation of our universe in the Big Bang itself.
After October 28, 2011, as Dr. Calleman stated in a prior interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, “the universal alternating energy wave movements end, and Earth is set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual ‘Garden of Eden’.”
That milestone marks the beginning of final preparations for entry of Earth into a long-prophesized Golden Age of Utopia.
The ‘pre-wave’ – like all universe energy wave emanations, creates the ‘meme’ or story content of our personal and our collective reality. Dr. Calleman’s discoveries are suggesting that our highest thoughts and ‘memes’ are/may in fact be sourced from the energy waves of the universe singularity, mediated through the galactic singularity – the black hole at the center of our galaxy the Mayans called Hunab Ku.
The singularity of our solar system is Sol, our sun - a dimensional portal to other galaxies, according to physicist Nassim Haramein.
These universe singularity energy waves serve as carrier waves of ‘the universe’s mind and spirit software’ - the way that the intentional universe (some call it source, the ‘sea of Light’ or God) lets us know of its intention for consciousness in the entire universe.
As a practical matter, it matters if we are tuned in and commit to the 9th Universal consciousness universe energy wave. The universe energy waves we humans tune in and commit to determine our planetary status and how we reach our potential as a planet.
Will Earth be a dystopia or a utopia?
According to this analysis, the good news is that our universe singularity is now emanating ‘utopia’ consciousness waves on its alternating energy carrier waves.
The more we humans are individually and collectively tuned into the universal energy wave of ‘enlightened universal consciousness,’ and committed to achieving unity, non-dualistic consciousness, then the stronger the ‘positive timeline’ becomes, and the more rapidly we achieve our potential as a planet – “a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status.”
Readers can continue to explore Dr. Carl Johan Calleman’s perspective at:
GOOD NEWS! Universe singularity now emanating energy for ’enlightened unity consciousness’
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Dr. Georgi Stankov - Ascension 2012 & Universal Law