Mt Adams Statement: 2012 & The Rainbowbridge by Helene Wilbrenninck (The Netherlands)
Greetings Alfred!
I would like to thank you deeply for the Mount Adams Statement: 2012 & A Golden Age, which I came across on the internet. While listening my heart sang with joy and I finally heard words concerning 2012 which I could completely accept as truth. A lot of people are still in the ‘old thought form’.
Last year I finished a painting called “The Rainbowbridge”. This painting correspond I think in images with your words. If I may I would like to share this picture, therefore I send you enclosed a photo and the text describing the symbols. This is my way of spreading the message of the Golden Age !
I thank you again for your words and I trust they may be heard by many …
My very sincere greetings,
Helene Wilbrenninck
The Netherlands
The Rainbowbridge by Helene Wilbrenninck (The Netherlands)
In these times that we are living in the need of peace, unity, love and harmony is growing stronger and stronger. This has inspired me to paint the Rainbowbridge. According to the Native American Indians the Rainbow is a promise of peace between al people and cultures.
The Rainbow people believes in equality and does not believe that one superior people should rule over the others. They believe in unity between all religions for the highest good of all mankind.
The Rainbow is transfiguration, the glory of heaven, different levels of consciousness, the meeting of heaven and earth, the bridge between this world and paradise – the throne of God.
The rainbow also represents Iris, the winged messenger of the Gods.
The people standing in the circle around the Tree of Life represents all cultures and races of the earth in an illuminated state of mind – living together in harmony, peace and abundance.
They are dressed in white, the colour of transcendent perfection, illumination, purity, integrity, light – the wholly life.
The Eagle is the symbol of the Gods of the firmament , inspiration, liberation, victory and power. The spiritual part of human able to rise towards heaven. The power of Eagle is the power of Great Spirit, the connection with God. In this painting the Eagle brings us victory in the form of a crystal representing a new, pure energy. There is a world of love, peace, unity, harmony, beauty, abundance and light – this world we al carry in our harts.
The Unicorn stands for purity, the perfect good, strength of body and spirit. Where the two horns are united into one it symbolizes the coming together of the opposites in undivided sovereign power. The Unicorn also symbolizes the virgin Mary and is also the guardian of the Tree of Life.
The Angels are the messengers of God, the link between heaven and earth. Powers from an unseen world, illumination.
The Deer is tenderness and unconditional love, the flower of goodness. The Deer teaches us how to use the power of tenderness to be able to reach the harts of wounded souls. If we want to create a world of peace and harmony we must be able to love the light as well as the darkness (represented by the light and dark spots in the fur of the Deer).
The Sunflowers symbolizes the unconditionally following of the light. And the spring flowers a new beginning.
The corn and the grain represents the fertility of Mother Earth, awakening life and abundance.
The Butterfly symbolises the transformation of the human soul into a heavenly being, the uprising and eternal life.
The Dragonfly is the bringer of wisdom and the breaker of illusions.
The Sun is the highest cosmic power, Gods appearance, the hart of the cosmos, the centre of intuitive knowledge, glory and justice. The Sun is the transcendent archetype of light, first it enlightens itself and then all other heavenly and earthly bodies.
The star with six points in the sun is made of two triangles (pyramids) connecting with each other. This stands for the unity of heaven and earth – as above as below. It represents the balance between masculine (gold) and feminine (silver) energy. The white light in the middle is the pure light of Christ.
The White Dove is the presence of the wholly spirit, the passage from one reality to another.
The spirit of light, innocence, purity, inspiration and peace.